Foundation ContactCounties ServedEl Paso County
Teller County Program UpdatesBelow please find updates for the 2025 funding cycle. If your organization was awarded a Competitive Grant in 2024, you will need to wait to reapply for funding until January 2026.
For the 2025 funding cycle, we will award 9 $10,000 grants for a total of $90,000. Please review the sub-focus funding areas below. While you may submit a request outside of these sub-focus areas, we will prioritize the listed sub-focus areas first. |
Health & Human Services
Organizations that further support youth and families through:
Organizations that further support youth through:
Organizations that further support the community through:
Organizations that support the community through:
Organizations that further support youth and families through:
- Housing - specifically keeping families housed through emergency support for rent and overall access to housing
- Access to food
- Physical, mental, and emotional health
Organizations that further support youth through:
- Early childhood education in the realm of school readiness and success from PreK to Grade 3.
- After school programming
- Literacy programs for school aged children
- Teacher grants the seek to provide additional education experiences and supports for youth
Organizations that further support the community through:
- Environmental education
- Increased access to outdoor spaces for at risk populations
- Protection and enhancement of parks, trails, and open spaces
Organizations that support the community through:
- Creating access to arts and cultural opportunities
- Arts education
2025 Program Timeline
2024 Grants
Early Connections Learning Center - $10,000
Diakonia - $5,000
Diakonia - $5,000
Health & Human Services
Children's Hospital Colorado Foundation - $10,000
Dream Centers of Colorado Springs - $10,000
Special Kids Special Families - $5,000
Girls on the Run of the Rockies - $5,000
Dream Centers of Colorado Springs - $10,000
Special Kids Special Families - $5,000
Girls on the Run of the Rockies - $5,000
Arts & Culture
Youth Documentary Academy - $10,000
Flying Pig Farm - $10,000
UpaDowna - $5,000
UpaDowna - $5,000